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Radiation Oncology

Patient Instruction Sheet




Once you see the Radiation Oncologist, your surgeon will schedule the keloid surgery.  Please avoid surgeries on Thursday and Fridays.  You will need to come in for treatment within 24 hours of completion of surgery.  It is very important to start treatment with 24 hours and you must complete all the treatments prescribed by the Radiation Oncologist.



On the first day of treatment, the Radiation Oncologist will place marks on your skin where the keloid was removed.  These marks need to stay on the skin for the duration of your treatment.  The first day of treatment will normally take longer due to the initial setup and planning.  The therapist who treats you will give you treatment times for the remaining treatments.


Skin Care During Treatment

  1. The surgeon will give you instructions on caring for the wound after surgery, so notify the surgeon for any questions or concerns.

  2. Avoid applying any heavy creams or ointments to the affected area prior to your treatment unless prescribed by the Radiation Oncologist.  These should only be used after your daily treatment to minimize adverse skin reaction.

  3. The marks placed on your skin are utilized in your treatment and should not be removed.  When taking a shower be careful not to scrub the area.

  4. If the area being treated is usually covered by clothing, wear loose, soft garments that will not irritate the skin.

  5. Do not apply any extreme heat or cold to the treatment area.


The surgeon will give you instructions on skin care and follow-up.  You will need to schedule an appointment for follow-up with your Radiation Oncologist as well.  If you have any questions please call us.


Special Instructions:


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